If you see the me in the picture, you understand how one meter is measured in the part of the world. The distance nose and the tip of your fingers - convenient and elegant.
The friendly Shop Keeper (SK) asked the same old question, "Are you married"?
Ana: Of course! (i believed this was the only answer one should ever give being a single woman in this country)
SK: Me too!
Ana: Really? You look young.
SK: I just got married last week.
Ana: Congratulations! I just missed the wedding then.
SK: No wedding. Because my wife and I are from different casts, her family is rich, but me, no rich... but we love each other. but her family was chasing after me, brothers, cousins, they want to kill me...
Ana: What? What did you do?
SK: We ran away, from Jodhpur to Udaipur, from Udaipur to Jaipur, you know, we go everywhere... and the family always running after us.
Ana: What happened?
SK: Finally, i went to see the judge. Because I am 20 years old and my girlfriend 19, we are old enough to get married ...you know...
Ana: And...so you succeeded, that is so great!
SK's face filled with joy and happiness.
Ana: so where is your wife?
SK: she lives outside the fort...
I paid for my turban and was so taken by this beautiful love story at 9h30 in the morning.
SK: Would you like a Chai? I invite you for Chai!
I shaked my hands, but the shopkeeper showed determination on his face, I had to sat down again.
Here this 20 year old man just shared his life story and is treating me to a morning Chai.
Ana: hmmm.... actually I am not married. (out of guilt, I thought I had to tell the truth)
The shopkeeper just stepped to fetch the tea cup, i was not sure if she heard me.
SK: So, you are not married.
Ana, smile, making a baby face.
SK: Well, me neither!
Ana: What?! (I jumped out of my chair)
How could you lie like that?
SK with a witty smile on his face: Who lied first?
... should I be taken by his wit or just embarrassed by my own stupidity?