At the entrance of Black Bridge village, you will see a big black sign as shown on the photo above, meaning “Black Bridge Swimming Pool”. After a quick nap at mid-day in the middle of August, I joined some friends who decided to go swimming together. We arrived in front of this big sign and found a small window which looked like a ticket office, but no one was there. A small muddy road led us to the back of the sign; a large metal creature which resembles a boiler greeted us with poise.
After 45 minutes walking in some even muddier roads, going through corn fields, wheat fields and being traced by very mean dogs at every corner of the road, we decided to stop and question the actual existence of this swimming pool.
In China, you have the privilege of having a sign and running a complete different business underneath or just not having a business at all but use this wall because you kinda need it.
But somehow, this felt like the ending of a horror movie from the 70s, I missed the entire film, here is the last part – This big black sign of the black bridge swimming pool, and blood coming through from the top of the wall, in the middle part first, dripping over the character “游” and then more blood coming through this wall, from the top, from the bottom, from both sides, and eventually flooding over the entire wall with strength and speed. 2 seconds later, the sun shines and here is what you see: (but who knows what will happen when the sun goes down)

Do not walk alone in the dark at Black Bridge Village!