Walking down the wetted pavement of rue de Richelieu and then to Palais Royale and heading towards home, rain drops and the cold air defines a typical Parisian Winter Season. I could not help replay the black and white images that I just saw in a new exhibition at Bibliotheque National de la France BNF. Exhibition is called 70’ La Photographie Americaine. 320 photographes chosen from a collection of 3000 images are exposed.
To me, it was a moving and personal experience. I relived the lectures of Professor Kevin Stranberg at Wesleyan. Every image I saw, I remembered every comment that went with that image during those lectures. That is marked as my first introduction to photography but more importantly an introduction to America.
For those who remember this famous image, which was the cover of a book – Les Americains of Robert Frank, first published in Paris in 1959. It made the beginning of the exhibition. The French chose a Ralph Gibson’s image of a beautiful lady by the car as the cover of the press communication, I would however have preferred to see this image of a segregated bus as it speaks for actuality, but it did not make to the exhibition.

Exactly 50 years later since the first edition of Robert Frank’s “Les Americains”. In the year of 2008, we will welcome the first African American president of America. Today is the day that will change history.
Of all those seven and half years which I spent in America, I never was able to have an “American Dream”, however, some where in me flows the blood of America in blue and red stripes. It was in America, where I grew from an teenager to a 25 year old woman,
So to Kevin who taught me how to develop my first roll of film; to my dear friend Norman who initiated me to Jazz, and made me a missing member of “they might be giants”; to Jno Cook who taught me one can be a photographer and not taking any photos himself; to Lisa who apologized when her mom voted for George W. Bush; to the most beautiful Sandy who gave me the love I never deserved; to the architect who taught me how to weld; to Frank for his book lists and ginger chicken, to those who loved me but I did not love back, and to those who I loved but nevered loved me back; to all the photographers and non-photographers; all Americans and non-Americans, Jewish pals and non Jewish pals in this country; to all the blueberry muffins and bagels with cream cheese; to a nation with honor and dignity; to this piece of land who gave me courage, maturity, tolerance and hope.
I -- owe you--America ---a service.
So today is the day I will return this service.
… by casting my vote to –
Barrack OBAMA as the President of United States of America!
Evening of Novemeber 4th. 2008 Paris