For someone who has no car and no driver’s license I had the pleasure to be in the passenger's seat for a few hours over the weekend, this few hours of experience were so exceptional that I had all the time to think about the most philosophical issue in life.
Finding the right person to love in life is exactly like finding a parking spot on the busy streets in the middle of Paris Friday evening. There are beautiful people on beautiful streets with beautiful cars everywhere, yet parking spots are scarce. The rule of winning this game is simple - you need to be at the right place at the right time. There is no science to it, only luck!
The best and most sweet spot supposedly is just downstairs from your apartment, yet how many times can you park right in front of your front door?
- You can always turn up the music in your car, singing to your favourite songs and keep circling around the block, saying “I am not in a hurry, I will keep looking”. This is the bachelor waiting to find the perfect love of his/her life.
- After you circled around the block 5 or 10 times, you are so sick and tired and you finally decided to enlarge the scope, you go beyond the normal circle. As soon as you surrender your car to a sweet spot 5 blocks away, you walk yourself home, along the way, you see 2 spots that are much closer to your apartment. These nice spots move their hips around in the most erotic way and singing to you in pussycat dolls’ voice :
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?Don't chaDon't chaDon't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?Don't chaDon't cha
Don’t you wish you had waited? That’s called “I settled too early”.
- Sometimes you can get really frustrated and desperate that you decide to double park. That is when you date married men or married women, it is not recommended, and you know you will get a huge fine one day, but it is convenient for the moment. So what the heck!
- For those who would like to plan ahead, they actually pay for a parking spot monthly. They cannot park any where else except where they paid for a spot. Guaranteed space yet lack of surprise and flexibility. And it costs money. That is called being in a relationship which requires high maintenance.
- Occasionally, you can successfully park right up front, you say “God, I am never gonna move ever again”! As you turn around, there is a panel that reads “Wednesday morning street cleaning starting 7h30” or “Saturday morning farmers market”, that is when I know the guy has a track record of relationship of no more than three months and I am still willing to give it a try. Do I get to move the panel or simply move my car and myself Wednesday morning?
Dear friends, how to solve this modern day urban issue of “where do I park”? Don’t you just want to go to the countryside where you have all the space to park and re-park and open all four doors of your car? Wouldn’t life be too easy that way?
So those who take taxis, are they ignoring the fact that we all need a spot somewhere? And are huge underground parking lots whore houses? You just need to pay to get in?! So then what would be valet parking?
Tired and perplexed, I took the metro home tonight yet I couldn’t help looking to see if there are nice spots downstairs from my place.