Wednesday, April 19, 2006

aMbitious gardeneR

Ambitious is definitely a positive word in American English, so I tend to think that ambitious is indeed a good thing.

In the small 40 something square meter apartment, I have a virtual garden which expands to almost 50 acres of open land. Here are some previous, current and future attempts to cultivate this land:

- Basil leaves: I bought these small envelopes each of which were filled with at least a thousand basil seeds. I was thinking if I plant those seeds in various pots, they will grow, and I will have lots of basil leaves to cook with: basil chicken, pasta sauce, omelets, salads, etc. Since I have many pots, I will pick from one pot to cook one dish one day, and another pot to cook another dish another day; and as I keep picking, they would keep growing. Wouldn’t that be cool? Sadly, I only saw some green stuff coming out of the mud, they never turned into actual basil leaves. My land must not be rich enough.

Narcisse are these beautiful white flowers often used to decorate the house in winter time as I was growing up. Despite the objection of the florist (he said I should plant them in a pot), I insisted to put the bulb in the water thinking as long as I put enough nutrition, they will just grow fine. Result: it took 5 months for the leaves to come out, but now they are almost a meter high due to daily nutrition supplements. They certainly don’t look like innocent and feminine narcisse anymore; I believe they are ready for the NBA recruitment season.

Cactus: to ensure desert climate, I put them on the indoor heater during the winter season to create a micro-climate within my apartment, and they became like this….

Orchids: I love orchids and I keep buying them, they have a very low metabolism I believe. Not that they will not die on me, it just takes soooo much longer before they actually die… it at least gives the ambitious gardener some hope in the long dark and desperate winter.

Should I tell you more?

It is Spring time again and the perfect season to plant ….something… I am thinking:

· I love olives, if I get an olive tree, maybe I can eat olives in the Fall and pickle them, and put them in jars and give them to my friends as Christmas gifts.
· Tomatos: they are so good when picked fresh. I would like to have a few different kinds, those pink ones, the cherry one, and those green ones, they are so good. But maybe I don’t have enough light in the apartment; hum...I am sure I can find those high tech lamps that will provide all the necessary lighting.
· Should I get cactus again, it is really pretty easy, I will just leave it alone this time, no more heaters.
· Bamboos, they make the apartment look so Zen, and I can even organize tea tasting parties and people will come in there hats as if they are invited by the Queen to the buckingham palace.

Dear friends, what do you think?